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A Piece of Heaven: Metztli …

A Piece of Heaven: Metztli …

Welcome to the mysterious world of the Aztecs …


The Aztec civilization, like all civilizations on earth, is a community with its own unique stories and descriptions. Although they could not find a chance to live for a very long time, this civilization has very rich cultural accumulations. This community, who lived in the lands of Central America, continued their lives in today's central Mexico region. There are also stories full of mysteries in this civilization, which has a rich mythology and cultural heritage.


In this article, we would like to tell you about the mythological character Metztli, who is a piece of the moon, or rather the moon itself.


Metztli (Meztli), representing the moon god in Aztec mythology, is an intriguing mythological character. It is also referred to as the god of the one who could not sacrifice itself to become the sun and became the moon instead, and its face was blackened by a rabbit. Also, Metztli was afraid of the sun and its fire. That's why it chose to be the moon.


The story is that the moon and sun were once equally bright. Since it was not appropriate for the gods to be equal, one of them threw a rabbit in the face of the other, one of them darkened and the present 'Moon' was formed. The Aztecs said that the figure of a rabbit could be seen on the surface of the moon. Especially if you look at the sky during the full moon, the "Rabbit in the Moon" can be easily seen.


Just opposite Metztli stands Tecciztecatl (Teksistekatl). So the old moon god… Tecciztecatl represents the masculine side of the moon; but he is often referred to as evil. Therefore, it creates bad connotations in people. However, Metztli is different. It has the opposite structure.


Good and evil… You can see this duality in Aztec mythology, as in every mythology. In fact, mythology also has contradictions, isn’t it?

Perhaps the Aztecs' magnificent moon and sun pyramids tell us about this mysterious contrast. By the way, let's mention that the pyramid of the sun is higher than the pyramid of the moon. So the sun is just one click ahead …


Finally, in 2017, an underground tunnel was discovered under the 43-meter 'Moon Pyramid' in Mexico, where the Aztecs lived. Maybe it's a secret tunnel to the moon. Maybe there is a path from wonderland to the moon, following the rabbit. Who knows?